

Vanessa Kelly, July 23 2020

EPISODE 5 RECAP: JDCC vs. DECA - Case Competitions in COVID-19

Listing the drawbacks to our new normal is a relatively simple task. What can be challenging is seeing the silver lining in our current situation.

Although COVID-19 has distanced us from our friends, families, and many of our short-term plans, it has forced the world to evolve. Populations from all over the world are adopting varying degrees of social distancing. Because of our new demand for virtual interaction, the demand for digital platforms has increased exponentially. This new standard for communication has some silver linings. (1) We can observe a rise in the quality and functionality of video conferencing apps; (2) employees and their workplaces will be significantly better equipped for work-from-home arrangements going forward; (3) international borders have been rendered obsolete as geography as a barrier for communication is completely eliminated. We have been forced to accommodate.

How might this new normal help student-run conferences? How might it hinder them? These are both equally important questions for our ponderation. However, your continued absorption of this article will depend on your answer to the following questions.

Q: I know about undergraduate case competitions.

If your answer is "Yes", please proceed to the following question.

If your answer is "No", please consult the contextual paragraph included below.

Q: I know about DECA U and JDCC/CABS

If your answer is "Yes", we recommend you skip the contextual paragraph and continue reading thereafter.

If your answer is "No", you may need  a little additional context. No problem! Quarter Down the Podcast covers some background on JDCC vs. DECA  in Episode 5. Tuning in there before you continue will make the contents of this article a little more relevant. We also recommend you visit the contextual paragraph directly below before continuing.

The (optional but important) Contextual Paragraph

As part of a well-rounded undergraduate experience, many business students (and beyond!) seek to supplement their academic learning with hands-on applications of business concepts. This is where case competitions come in. Though they are offered in all shapes and sizes – for example, some case competitions are purely for enjoyment, while others can be recruitment or networking oriented – the case study method is a unique opportunity to put theory into practice. Business cases will often tap into student’s abilities to critically analyze information, prioritize it, and problem solve methodically. Most case competitions also incorporate a presentation component as a way for students to bring their solutions to life, to ensure these ideas can be well-articulated and understood.  

Where Are We Now?

We were very happy to have hosted the Co-Presidents of JDCC Laurier on our fifth episode of Quarter Down, along with DECA’s very own Co-President Mauricio Martinez, to engage in some friendly banter about our respective case competitions. The conversation is light and fun as we hammer home some of the key differences between two of Canada’s largest undergraduate case competitions. As we are more similar than we are different at the end of the day, both case competitions are in the process of planning their respective events catering to our new online reality.

From the planning and logistics side of things, the technology does exist to support this type of transition. We are looking to replicate the live, adrenaline rushing experience as closely as possible - though we are aware of where the online format falls short. Nevertheless, we are excited to be connecting with our delegates again - whether that be in-person or over a video conference. Delegates: stay tuned for more details as the Fall semester kicks off. We are eager to continue working with Chapter Presidents to push through the hurdles and offer you a versatile, well-rounded alternative for Nationals 2021 online.

Written by

Vanessa Kelly

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